Mindfulness isn't...

A label to add to the other two dozen you've amassed.

Something to sell as a new productivity tool.

A badge of honour.

A way to make people inferior if they don't get 'it'.

A practice that only finds home in one area of your life.

A way to exit from life's travails.

A way to talk and act differently to true self.

A course, retreat or YouTube video.

No, mindfulness is everything.

It's life.

But not the life where you live on the edge between this moment and the one you're chasing.

Mindfulness is now.

This breath -- the in, the out and the rest in between.

It means above all paying attention, fully.

If you need a question to inform your mindfulness practice, try the first koan from the Mondo Zen Training Manual:

"Is it possible to just purely listen? Can you listen without an opinion?"

You can shorten this to one word: listen.

Yes, that's it.

Mindfulness is to listen.




Have a wonderful day.




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