What is your practice?

"What you practice is what you are; practice and the goal of practice are identical, cause and effect are one reality." -- John Daido Loori


Buying stuff?


Living your angst?






I could go on but you get the point.

What I'm asking you to consider is: where do you invest the majority of your energy?

In my case, between the ages of 19-43 it was work.

After then...? (I'm 51 this year.)

Mostly, I've been drawn (or sometimes compelled) to let go of everything that's previously defined me.

It's been hard.

Even now, I know that I've got to address a number of shadows that infiltrate my normal state of harmony with what is. Anger is a case in point.

But previously I'd have looked at this demon as something to crush. Now, I want to hold it from a place of not knowing. I know that sounds a pathetic answer to a bloke who's been known to trip out and shout the odds at the smallest thing but actually within that trigger lives the opportunity for enlightenment.

That doesn't mean to say, as churlish as you might think me for even pointing it out, that I'm trying to put myself in the most ticklish position but I do recognise now how Jun Po's line "Your angst is liberation" is something to lean into at not run from as fast as possible.

So, let me ask you again.

What is your practice?


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