Back in the creative groove

“The receptivity of the artist must never be confused with passivity.” 
― Rollo MayThe Courage to Create

It's been a while since I've felt like this.

Don't ask me why, but I couldn't summon anything more than enough creative juice to produce this blog and a few posts and recordings to Patreon.

I know it's tempting fate to report on my renewed sense of purpose but, right now, I've this overwhelming sense of needing to create:


brush calligraphy



and books.

I don't have a modus operandi. 

I show up.

I either write to my computer or I sit at my other desk on the other side of the room which I reserved for the other stuff, 

and wait...

If something happens, it happens.

If it doesn't. 

So what!

I don't know your thing but even if you have to work for 'The Man', never forget that under all those layers of self-doubt and negative thinking lies a creative genius. 

I'm serious.

It's not just my theory but I believe with all my heart that we're all possessed of something beyond the ken of our current understanding.

My advice: don't waste it watching TV, getting drunk and engaging in social media.

Create as if your life depended on it.

Take care.

Blessings and big love,


Photo by Clark Young


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