Personal transformation

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”
― Albert Einstein

How many times have you heard or read this quote?

What does it mean?

To transcend your current reality or something much, much bigger?

Think about it.

How do you raise your consciousness?

Perhaps you need to consider your beliefs. Can you drop them to allow in something more beautiful?

The thing is, if we truly want to change our lives and those we serve, we have to find a way to outsmart our ego. If we don't, then we'll remain fastened to the wheel of small self.

Is there a practice that might help?


To be fully present to this moment.

Personally, I do that in zazen but even in witnessing mode -- i.e. you witness your thoughts -- there's a step change.

I suppose in the end it comes down to one key thing: how much do you value (your) life? 

I mean, if you're just about OK with how things are then you'll never look beyond your current world order.

Blessings and much love



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