Waking up

In the beginning, it was all about survival.

And then art, commerce and rational intellect.


What's the next stage of our evolution?

You'd like to think something more worldcentric but it doesn't feel like that.

It feels like we're reverting to type; namely, we're in egocentric mode, where it's all about me, me, me.

I know there are small pockets here and there where people have come together in community and still others where a meme of rediscovery (of a more beautiful world) has built and continues to build a purposeful Tribe but it's still so small compared to the rest of us.

Even in the workplace, it's shameful to see how little we collaborate internally, let alone outwith.

Of course, once again, I'm merely reporting on a blinding-flash-of-the-obvious, but then again, it can't hurt for me and everyone who cares about their community or better still this beautiful planet to move from the handwringing mode -- "I'm powerless to effect change" -- to a space, virtual or otherwise, where they choose to care, they choose to make a difference and they choose to get off their hands and do something else apart from look out for number 1.

But then again, knowing our species, I suspect we'll have to wait long after I'm dead and a shock of such epic proportion for us to wake up to the mess we've made of this once magical place.

Blessings as always,


Photo by Mike Enerio


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