A few thoughts...

"Thank you."

Sincere appreciation goes a long, long way in any relationship.

"I love you."

We can never say those words enough.

"I'm grateful..."

To be here -- right now, in this moment.

"You can change if you want to."

No more hand-wringing, please. JFDI.

"Please listen."

Deeply listen to yourself.

"Listen without an opinion."

You can do it. Trust me, if you take this to heart it will smash all illusions.

"Beginner's mind."

Life is awesome. Life is amazing. The trouble is, we're so up in our heads, we miss it.

"Let go."

Radical acceptance in other words. Of course, we want to talk about our scars but what if we accepted them and everything else?


Stop doing so much. There will come a time where your body and mind will determine what you can or cannot do. Until then, try not to burn the candles at both ends.

"Stop praying for a miracle."

Seriously. As Mr Whitman said: "I am Large, I contain Multitudes."

Enjoy your weekend.

Blessings and big love


PS. My best mate is still here. Still fighting for his life. My prayers and love remain every present in my life.


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