You won't change

“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.” 
― Friedrich Nietzsche

When I look at my life, it's replete with periods of change.

Unfortunately, though, it was no different to changing my clothes.

In short, it might have felt that I'd cast off my persona, in favour of something more empowering, but it didn't take long for the sense of lack to return.

Whilst I'm not saying it had to be this way, it was only when I came close to death (and witnessing others in the same place) that everything changed, and I woke from my narcissistic torpor.

There are many ways to see this but your 'angst is your liberation' (see the teachings of Jun Po Denis Kelly).

But what about you?

Do you feel, despite many brave attempts to fundamentally change your life, you're still playing the same song?

Perhaps you've journeyed within but chances are you've done so (only) with the same sense of purpose that gave you this life.

Of course, I can't make you do anything and in a sense neither can you -- at least from a place of ego. 
The truth is until the competitive spirit ceases and you stop making that which is formless (i.e. thoughts) into form, only then will you see the world anew.

I know that what I'm saying doesn't cut it in a world of fear, loss and shame, but just think about those people who love for love's sake, have no desire, and fear nothing. They may look like fools or dilettantes, but are they? 

Are they that deluded?

Perhaps you're the one who needs to take a long, hard look at your conditioned self and understand that in trying to control or suppress your thoughts you'll never make the leap into the unknown, let alone change your life.

On reflection, I don't think it's about changing anything save waking up to who you truly are; namely, True Self.

Take care.



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