It's all been said...


Nothing new.

Nothing to say.

Lots to do, but what?

What would make a difference?

Plant some trees, collect plastic from the polluted beaches, protest?


How about: be prepared to stop (HT to Stephen Jenkinson)? By hook or by crook, to stop doing what we're doing for fear of or the near certainty that we'll annihilate everything, everybody and all of nature in our pursuit of growth.

It's all so depressing, right?

I mean, here we are in the midst of a pandemic and if that doesn't make us realise and appreciate the fragility of the human race then nothing will. Nothing.

Does this mean I'm misanthropic?

It would be easy to think that but, as the old saw goes, it's us, the humans, who got us into this mess, and it's only us who can...[fill in the blank].

The truth is - always mine and mine alone - I've little faith that for all the good words and deeds we'll ever see the light and only at the time when things are bad, real bad, will we finally stop long enough to say: 

"Sh*t look what we've done"

What then?

Well, we won't so much have the luxury of choosing to stop as to be brought swiftly to heel by the gods of misfortune who will make it clear just how little we did to avert the ensuing chaos.

Of course, within this piece, there's much to ponder not least when I'm going to seriously change my ways, not for the benefit of my oh-so-insignificant conscious but to show that I cared. 

I really cared.

Much love,


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