When life passes you by

Right now, one day feels much like the one before. Hell, even the weekends have bled into the week, and it's a wonder I can remember what day it is.

And if this Covid19 thing has its continued way, I don't see this mesmerising routine letting up anytime soon.

But I digress.


'WOW' and 'Meh!' in equal measure.

And it goes by at such a pace that before you know where you are, you wonder where the hell it's gone. At the time deep in the trenches it all feels so real, so alive but in hindsight (at least for me) it hardly registers on the life and death scale.

I'll be honest, right now, there's a sense, a blessed one that I'm going through the motions. And that's not me; I'm very much of the school that likes to have a purpose or at least a settled meaning to my 'doing'. The only thing that's keeping me in the game is a sense of responsibility and not wanting to let anyone down. And that's fine honest it is but (and I've said this a zillion times) it's not forever. Not at all. And sure, I can have plans galore the untravelled road and all that heady stuff but I'd prefer to ride out the slightly sullen storm and wait to see what happens...day by day.

I've got an inkling that I'll still be peddling my legal wares, working with a more eclectic group of clients and helping those who most need my help, and alongside that, there's the creative thing. It's never left me but what shape it will take, I'm still not sure. I like all forms of art and to say that I want to do this or that seems so life-limiting.

Anyhow, perhaps the message is that life will pass you by, but not to worry too much because as long as we suck the marrow dry of this moment not in a head-banging, frenetic way but in contemplation of the suchness of the moment then in truth that's all we need to feel or be alive. Or at least that's how it's been for me some 53 years down the weather-beaten track.

Blessings friends.



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