Kindness et al.

Now, more than ever, we need to find a way through this collapsing world.

Yes, there are lots of strategies, templates and exhortation we could employ but, truthfully, we know in our hearts that if only there was a little less hate and a lot more kindness the world would be a much better place - in so many ways.

Then again, the trope has been done to death and look where it's got us. Not very far.

Perhaps it is that we've an aversion to opening ourselves up in case we're taken advantage of or worse still. 

Perhaps it is that we don't feel it. It's more act than truth.

Perhaps there's no quid pro quo. (Does there or should there be?)

Truth is, I've no more an idea than you why the world is too often riven with a lust for hate when it should be in swoon to kindness. That doesn't (of course) stop me wondering.

And wonder I will alongside all those other issues that continue to haunt me.




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