Our truest self

"Someday, somewhere - anywhere, unfailingly, you'll find yourself, and that, and only that, can be the happiest or bitterest hour of your life." — Pablo Neruda

We thrash around trying to find out what makes us happy -- blissful even.

Occasionally, for a fleeting moment, we're alive inside, but it never lasts.

Of course, this is pure conjecture but how many of us have set out to find ourselves or rediscover something of our old self, only to find that we're chasing another chimaera?

I certainly have, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

What then?

Indeed, what then?

More of the same, anodyne routine? Or do we simply pull up the drawbridge on connecting with true self and accept our lot?

Again, that's a damn good question.

The truth is -- my truth -- I've no answers, lest still a gold-plated solution. Instead, perhaps it's time we got used to a degree of ennui or at least to the extent where we celebrated what we've got, rather than wishing for something immeasurably better.

Much to ponder.

Blessings Julian


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