Falling down

Never be afraid to fail.

In fact, if you live on the edge but never leap, you'll never come alive to True Self.

Of course, in this Instagram et al. world, everything's f*cking perfect.

It's not.

It's sh*t.

It's hard.

It's death dealing.

But then again, right now, is the universal God that exists for us all if we'd only get out the way.

Perhaps it's me but I'm sick to death of everyone telling me how perfect their life is and how by dint of changing my habits, I can have a better life.


And I don't want it that way.

I want to know that I gave a sh*t and gave it my best shot. So what if I don't have a slew of toys and faux experiences to mark my life.

I want it real.

And that means falling down again and again and carrying on in the face of insuperable odds -- mostly of my own construction.

In the end, all I'd say is that the more real you can make it the better. Don't compromise for anything. Be contrary. Shout the odds when you see inequality. Don't give up on what you believe is true.

As if I needed to remind you, life is very short.

Now go make it happen.

Big love,



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