What do we really know?

“This is your life and it's ending one moment at a time.” 
― Chuck PalahniukFight Club

You'd think this far in, we'd have it all worked out.








Even less.

But we're way off the mark.

Look around you, what do you see?


An individualistic world.






The death of our planet.

It's no wonder some people decide enough is enough.

I always remember though something Jon Kabat-Zinn said (and I paraphrase):

"The way we look at you [the patient], we always take the view that so long as you're breathing, you've got more going for you than you have wrong with you."

I know, hardly startling but then again, whilst there's life there's hope.

If you've any desire left to make a difference, then now is the time to apply your energy to making your dent. You might volunteer at your local charity, you might change your life or you might start a blog to build your Tribe of new-world zealots.

It doesn't matter what you do as long as you do something.

For me, the worst thing you can do is carry on finger-wagging (mostly from your couch) and expect someone else to pick up the tab for our narcissistic ways. 

Dream on my friend.

Dream on.

This coming year, I've already been moved by another startling revelation -- one that's struck me many times before: if I'm going to make a difference, I need to do much less; and the things I do do, will be suffused with as much of my life force as I can muster. Will I p*ss a few people off? Undoubtedly. But in the end, the more we maintain the status quo the more we're the problem...in so many ways.

Photo by Clemente Ruiz Abenza


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