Deep listening

“There's a lot of difference between listening and hearing.” 
― G.K. Chesterton

When was the last time you listened to something more than the words and sounds of other people?

Even in that space, I can guarantee you spend more time listening to your inner monologue than you do the other person.

Even if you did manage to shut up for more than a few minutes -- it's amazing how many times we interrupt the other person -- you'll never truly understand what's going on unless you fully shut up.

I mean:

your inner voice goes quiet;
you're open with your body language; and
you listen without opinion.

But of course, this will never happen; it's not how we're trained or conditioned to believe we should act.

Trust me, as someone who's made more mistakes than I've got a lifetime left to report on, the moment we stop listening for cues, ticks or signals, is the time we start to find out what out what's really going on.

PS. Never forget that the person you're speaking to is keeping at least 95% of their life (inner and outer) hidden from view. 


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