Open your heart

you live
you die

in between,
it's all a mystery.

we want to fly
we want to leap
we want to be
other than this.


oh, why
can't we just be?

'cos we're stuck
in the throes of times past
the future
we cannot see
let alone be
and yet we're told
and we believe
we can be anything we want.

is that what you think?

nowadays, i've let go
of everything
to be
is more than more
more than enough
and yet
it doesn't go down
a treat
with those in the capitalist know
who think they know
it all
but what do they really know?

you tell me.

if you need do anything
hang out
in silence
that deep
unknown space
a place that few will explore
in case
they get found out.

in the end
as if you didn't know
it will end
as it begun
right where you are.


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