The end.


Death -- our death -- should inform our lives, but it rarely does.

It all comes too late.

But imagine it: being told the precise day you'd leave this world.

Would it change the way you saw your life and lived it?

Who knows? 

Right now, gripped as I am by the memories of my ancestors, I feel an overwhelming sense to sit with the knowledge, the absolutely certainty that I've got limited time available to me. And that doesn't mean, as I did previously, I want to run scared. Instead, I've a celebratory feeling in and around death. That's not dark, nor morose. It's life -- all of it.

And you?

Do you think about the end?

Perhaps not. It's too soon. But one day you and others will have to comprehend what it means to be gone. 

I find that more a little sobering, but in the meantime I'll keep leaning into my mortality to explore how my life should and must change to recognise the finality of this gift we call life.



Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash


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