Padstow 2020

We're nearly at the end of our holiday.

It must be the 15th time we've been here. 

And it's been wonderful to get away, even allowing for the fact that people appear to have forgotten the Rules on social distancing! 

(I've stayed away from the Town as much as possible and instead have enjoyed quiet time in the flat -- owned by my late father-in-law, Brian.)

We've booked next year for a week, and it'll be nice to keep the family tradition fully alive. 

Previously, and certainly by now, I'd have made some grand statement about all the things that I intend doing on my return home to Devon but this time there's been nothing of the sort save that I do want to start open-water swimming -- something I've never properly done. I will have to buy a wetsuit but for now, given the sea and river temperatures, I'll either manage with an old short-sleeved wetsuit or just my swimming trunks.

One thing that will live on in my memory is the fact that our children still want to come here and it's been wonderful to see them together and (largely) get along. They're quite different in many ways, but then again, they're very similar. All I'll say is that food is the common ingredient.

It's been nice for my wife to have some time away from home because next week she'll start her new job, and I know she's anxious, having been away from the front line of nursing for 11 years. Her specialist heart-failure role will be a world away from her research post but with the passing of her dad -- who himself was treated by one her soon-to-be colleagues -- the role has a particular poignancy to it.

Alfie too has had a ball, even though at times he's worried me to death running off across the beach and on one occasion nearly drowning, as he swam after the seagulls and then realised, 400 metres out, that he was a little out of his depth! 

Anyhow, here's to you Padstow. It won't be long and we'll be back again.



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